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Reni Andrina Rahmawati

Owner, Manager, & Instructor at Bee World Course and Training Institute

Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Affiliations & Roles
Owner, Manager, & Instructor at Bee World Course and Training Institute

Reni Andirna Rahmawati is the owner, manager, and instructor of the Bee World Course and Training Institute in Banjarbaru. The organization was founded in 2016 and was accredited by the National Accreditation Board in 2019. 

Apart from being an instructor at the Course and Training Institute, she also works as a teacher and professional speaker in several schools, foundations, and private and government agencies in Banjarbaru and Banjarmasin. Reni received an award as the best manager of the Course and Training Institute in 2017 – 2019 in the city of Banjarbaru.

She is committed to training her community in making Sasirangan, the original traditional fabric of South Kalimantan. She uses natural dyes and introduces the culture and local wisdom behind making the product. She also focuses on educating craftsmen and the public to switch to using natural dyes to reduce the impact on soil and water pollution. She is bridging the space between the craftsmen and a broader audience by selling products through the website. Through this project, the traditional textiles of Sasirangan can be known beyond the island of Borneo.

Reni and her team also plant seeds of natural dye plants and share them with the community to help replant, which expresses gratitude to nature for giving life to the craftsmen. Additionally, Reni provides training in the processing of agricultural products harvested from villages so that farmers can be more creative with their products.

Recently, Reni has also been an active volunteer during the COVID 19 pandemic, by collecting donations and coordinating tailors in the Banjarbaru and Banjarmasin areas to sew Hazmat suits and masks, and make face shields to be distributed to health workers in South Kalimantan.

SBK Sasirangan

Our Team

Sandi Agustinus

Starting from various rejections with his desire to learn about the culture of South Kalimantan, made him want to learn more about this traditional cloth. About seven years, sells and designs more than 100.000 sasirangan products. Become the winner of some competition, participates in many exhibitions and one of Banjarmasin’s young designers. His commitment is to be a pioneer in preserving literary culture that has an impact and is beneficial to society and the social environment

Rahmat Amin

Young Sasirangan craftsmen who has characteristics in each of his work, unite science and local wisdom, creating various distinctive motifs in their designs.

SBK Sasirangan

Our Artisan

Noor Yuritha

Craftsmen from South Kalimantan, the City of a Thousand Rivers, Banjarmasin. She has been pursuing sasirangan with natural dyes since the end of 2019 and has been creating bags made of natural fibres called purun bags since 2020. She won 3rd place in the 2019 WUB Banjarmasin in the fashion and craft category and also got the opportunity to take part in exhibitions at South Kalimantan city and provincial government events, she also included in the 2022 Inacraft Exhibition event at the Jakarta Convention.


She became a natural dyeing sasirangan craftsman due to a prolonged illness caused by making sasirangan with chemical dyes, took a vacuum for 3 years, and this year she started to return to this craft.

Ahmad Hamidi

Young designers in the field of kebaya and party and wedding dresses, introduced and preserved the sasirangan in the form of formal and informal clothing, inviting consumers to continue to wear this traditional South Kalimantan cloth at all events


A sasirangan craftsman who has been working on sasirangan with natural dyes since 2019. Supported with his wife and his family, he makes some products from it and sell it. He also participated in various training, events, exhibitions and competitions for several times, such as in 2019 1st place in the design competition of sasirangan & in 2020 got the 1st place. Recently, he participated in exhibition in Jambi.


A sasirangan craftsman from Hulu Sungai Selatan district who has been working on sasirangan with natural dyes since 2021. She attended several trainings to develop her skill and knowledge in this area, she is one of the member in the sasirangan team at SMK Negeri 1 Kandangan since 2021, their next programs are teaches students and community about natural dyes sasirangan, and plans to make school uniforms from natural dyes.

Tiwik Dwi Hardjanti

Started her business in 2012 by producing various kinds of products using sasirangan cloth as the main material. In 2020, she began exploring ladies’ prayer gown (mukenah) products with full sasirangan motifs and those in combination with sasirangan fabrics. In order to preserve nature & the environment as well as market demand, Sasirangan mukena products are slowly starting to switch to natural dyes. Her products also one of mainstay product at Banjarbaru Dekranasda Gallery, frequently participates in events in several cities in Indonesia, including Inacraft and other events attended by the Banjarbaru Dekranasda.

Anik Sofan

Sasirangan craftsmen and now sew more sasirangan derivative products.


Focus on making bags with sasirangan fabric, using quality materials so they can compete in the market.


Purun weaving since the age of 7, collaborating with the weaving women in Purun Village, preserving the hereditary culture and making use of the purun plant that grows wild in the swamplands.

Siti Mariyana

Purun weaving since the age of 9, collaborating with the weaving women in Purun Village, preserving the hereditary culture and making use of the purun plant that grows wild in the swamplands


a young tailor who started a small sewing business and joined the SBK Sasirangan team to sew scarves as well as clothing.

Martha Krisna

she makes various accessories from patchwork sasirangan such as brooches, necklaces, earrings, hats, as well as bracelets.